Sunday, 30 September 2012

Borobudur Temple , Indonesia :)

Posted by Unknown at 07:47 2 comments

Indonesia has many ancient things especially the remains of the pre-historic period, for example : tombs, temples, and fortesses.
The Borobudur temple is one of the historical remains in Sriwijaya era. Its king was Samaratungga. It was built about in 850 B.C. King Samaratungga was descendant from King Sailendra embraced Budha.
The temples of Budha located in Magelang among others are Mendut, Pawon, and Borobudur. This Borobudur is the biggest and the most magnificent among all the temples.
Several descendants, idest: Dieng, Gebang, Sambisari, and Prambanan. Generally the temples in Indonesia were the tomb of the King families, but the temples were built by The King embraced Budhism used for the worship.
The attractive power of temples are not only the beauty , but also the ornaments decorated on them, a lot of the relief on the walls including the statues. The statue were made of rock and bronze.
Nowadays most of the bronze statues were lost. We can find the relief although some of the parts got damage.
Thus the goverment has rehabilitated them to preserve the temples, the attraction and their beauty.The temples have become the income resources out of the oil and gas, because many foreign and domestic tourist visit them.

Pendidikan di Tanah Air Ku, Indonesia

Posted by Unknown at 07:14 0 comments


                Setiap tanggal 2 Mei, Indonesia memperingati hari Pendidikan Nasional. Jika kita kembali menoleh ke belakang, melihat kembali kenapa tanggal 2 Mei ditetapkan sebagai hari Pendidikan Nasional bagi Indonesia, tentunya kita dapat lebih memaknai arti dari Pendidikan Nasional itu sendiri.
               Pada tanggal 2 Mei tahun 1889, lahirlah seorang tokoh pendidikan Indonesia. Ia adalah Ki Hadjar Dewantara.  Beliau sangat berjasa dalam bidang pendidikan di Indonesia. Beliau adalah pendiri sekolah Taman Siswa pertama di Indonesia.
         Jika dilihat dari tahun ke tahun, pendidikan di Indonesia terus berkembang, meskipun terkadang peningkatannya tidak terlalu signifikan.
         Jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain, Indonesia tidak jauh tertinggal pendidikannya. Banyak sekolah di Indonesia yang sudah berakreditasi A dan pada saat ini tidak sedikit sekolah di Indonesia yang sudah bertaraf Internasional serta sudah mendapatkan sertifikat ISO. Hal inilah yang membuktikan bahwa pendidikan di beberapa daerah di Indonesia terus berkembang tiap tahunnya.
          Ada satu kontroversial besar  dalam bidang pendidikan di Indonesia. Ada yang pro dan ada juga kontra. Yaitu mengenai Ujian Nasional yang diadakan di Indonesia.
         Ujian ini dirasa tidak adil oleh sebagian daerah di Indonesia. Mengapa demikian? Coba kita perhatikan, Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan. Negara yang terdiri dari beribu – ribu pulau. Masyarakat pun hidup tersebar, dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Perlu diketahui, bahwa di Indonesia masih banyak ditemukan daerah pedalaman. Tentu saja, pendidikan di daerah pedalaman tidak sebanding dengan daerah perkotaan. Lalu bagaimana bisa UN tetap dilaksanakan, dengan soal yang sama se-Indonesia, sedangkan tingkat pendidikannya berbeda? Banyak respon yang diberikan terhadap ketidak sesuaian ini. Berbagai pro dan kontra bermunculan.
          Miris rasanya ketika kita melihat kenyataan yang ada pada saat pengumuman kelulusan, banyak pelajar di daerah pedalaman yang tidak lulus UN dikarenakan tingkat pendidikan di daerah itu sendiri tidak sebanding dengan daerah pusat dan daerah perkotaan lainnya.
         Perjuangan dan pengorbanan pelajar selama kurang lebih 3 tahun hanya di tentukan oleh 5 hari tersebut. Atmosfer penuh syukur terasa jika mereka dinyatakan lulus. Lalu bagaimana respon pelajar yang tidak lulus? Tidak sedikit respon negatif yang diberikan. Ada yang mengamuk hingga membakar sekolah, menghancurkan fasilitas sekolah, bahkan ada juga yang menzalimi diri sendiri dengan cara bunuh diri. Benar-benar hal yang tidak diinginkan.
        Tidak hanya itu, selain kurangnya tenaga pendidik , masalah lain yang tidak kalah penting untuk dipecahkan yaitu fasilitas belajar mengajar  di berbagai daerah pedalaman di Indonesia yang kurang layak. Sulit dipercaya jika situasi ini dapat menunjang proses belajar mengajar yang nyaman di daerah tersebut.
            Pada kenyataannya, berbagai usaha telah diupayakan oleh pemerintah. Pemerintah telah mencairkan dana dan menyalurkan ke berbagai daerah di Indonesia dalam bentuk beasiswa dan bantuan untuk perbaikan sekolah. Namun, tidak jarang dana yang disalurkan tidak sepadan kebutuhan yang memuncak, terlebih dana yang akan digunakan untuk perbaikan sekolah. Hal ini menyebabkan renovasi sekolah yang dilakukan tidak berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang direncanakan.
          Dapat disimpulkan bahwa masalah utama dalam pendidikan di Indonesia yaitu tidak meratanya tingkat pendidikan di Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya tingkat kelayakkan fasilitas belajar mengajar dan tenaga pengajar yang kurang pada daerah pedalaman yang akhirnya menyebabkan tingkat kelulusan UN di daerah pedalaman tidak sebanding dengan daerah perkotaan yang serba canggih.
         Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan ini, di harapkan pemerintah dapat menyalurkan dana yang lebih memadai agar kebutuhan akan fasilitas belajar mengajar di daerah pedalaman dapat tercukupi.  Selain itu, dalam pembuatan soal UN, hendaknya pemerintah meninjau terlebih dahulu sudah sejauh mana perkembangan pendidikan di daerah pedalaman agar tingkat kesulitan soal UN nantinya dapat disetarakan, sehingga ketidakadilan dapat terelakkan dan pendidikan di Indonesia dapat mencapai kesuksesan secara keseluruhan.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

That awkward moments.......

Posted by Unknown at 20:06 0 comments

That awkward moments.......

When you come back to class from the bathroom and everyone is staring at you

When you are about excited to tell the story but they seem not interested. Okay, annoying.

When you forgot all the password accounts.

When you started to feel thirsty & found cold beverage but then you realized it already expired.....but you keep drinking it.

When you almost eat chocolate/drink water but you forgot you are on fasting.

When you've been talking to someone you just met but you still dont know what's her/his name.

When you are hoping someone's text but sadly it turns out from Operator.

When you are making jokes but NO ONE laughs and they said, ha.......ha.......

When you are in bad mood and accidentally everyone around you hella pissed you off & angry.

When you feel that you have to pee but when you are in the toilet you just can't do it.

When you unpurposedly looking at someone but he/she actually stares at you.

When your teachers put high expectation on your result because you are their favourite student but it turns out bad mark......

When you are confident can answer the questions but at the end only correct 12 out of 40.

When your friend sneezed too loud.

When you are in very silent room/during exam, you willing to hold from sneezing and cough or fart...........

When you pick up lots of things to buy but unfortunately you only have 5 bucks.

When your mom/dad starts advicising or nagging, you pretend got a call from friend.

When you fall down in front of your crush.

When youre the one who is in blur or LOST in some conversation.

When you are taking picture of yourself and everybody look at you. -_-

when someone texts you and you're not sure if they actually meant to send it to you or someone else.

When you dont know what to call the waiter "kak/bang" because confused whether they are boy or girl........

When someone tries to kidnap you, and then doesn't because you're too ugly

When you're texting in bed and you drop your phone straight onto your face.

When the "penjaga kedai/shops" keep following you no matter where you go & you feel unpleasant to shop.

When you stare a couple makes romantic scene publicly then they saw you, then you pretend dont see it, but they still DO it again & MORE....................because want to make you jealous.

When you forget to add someones number to your phone, and when they text you, have to text back saying, "who's this?". -always oh

When you sent veryyyyy long text or comment but they only reply, "K" "A ah" "x" "o"

When your chair makes a fart noise and you try to recreate the noise, but can't.

When you freak out because you can't find your phone, and then you realise it's in your hand.

When you are day-dreaming during the class and your teacher notice that.

When you are on yawning & your nostrils getting bigger and BIGGER like gorilla but then someone sees you.

When someone deletes their comments on Facebook and you look like you're talking to yourself.

When someone deleted you from Facebook all of sudden.

When you & your dad in the car. Well, I dont talk much with my dad because dont know whatto talk about :/

When a cute stranger guy smiles at you & you were like 0____0?

When you are reading Biology from Chapter 2 to 6 but end up dont understand anything.

When a sex/kiss scene pops up in a family movie.

& more the awkward moments.

When you look at an old photo of yourself and realise just how cute you were. But now? Sobs sobs.

When you're prepared for a test because you revised for it & then you open the test paper & nothing you revised is in it.

When you are humming to your favorite song and then people around you SSSHHHHHHH you.


Posted by Unknown at 19:16 0 comments

Shalatlah kamu, sebelum kami di shalatkan

Posted by Unknown at 19:01 0 comments

Shalat adalah Tiang Agama :)

Friday, 28 September 2012

A Thousand Years

Posted by Unknown at 18:52 0 comments
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Saturday, 22 September 2012

a crazy little thing

Posted by Unknown at 20:15 0 comments

Sometimes we have just to let go of someone who matters to us

not because we want to but because we have to,

 and its the right things to do... 

let us remember that we cant force anyone to Love us..

we cant beg someone to stay when he wants to leave and be with someone else...

this is what live is all about..


The end of love is not the end of life.. 

it should be the beginning of understanding that love lives for a reason and leaves with a lesson

If You Know what I mean

Posted by Unknown at 19:42 0 comments
"Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top"


Posted by Unknown at 19:29 0 comments
How do I say goodbye to someone I never really had? 

Why do my tears fall so endlessly for someone who was never really mine? 

Why is it I miss someone I was never really with?

 And why do I love someone whose love was never really mine?


a Narrative text for you, guys :)

Posted by Unknown at 19:05 0 comments

The Bricklayer and His Beauty Stone

            Once upon a time, there lived a bricklayer in a small village. He lived alone because he didn’t has child and his wife had died 5 years ago, so he felt lonely every day. Deep inside his heart, he really wanted a daughter, so he’ll not being lonely anymore.
            One day, he went to the forest to refresh his mind. He liked to travel around the forest. After several hours, he felt so tired, so he took a rest. He sat on a big stone. Suddenly, he heard a voice, a baby’s crying voice. He looked around, but he didn’t find the baby.
            He tried to listen the voice once again and carefully. He was shock when he knew that the voice was from the stone that he sat on. Suddenly, the stone was broke. In the stone, there was a baby. The baby was a girl and so preety like a princess. He was so shock at that reality. He took that baby to his home. He believed that the baby was a gift that god gave to him.  He promised to his self that he will protect the baby until she grew up.
            Year after year, he baby girl became a beautiful girl. Even she knew that the bricklayer wasn’t his father, but she always loved him like his true father. And they lived happily forever after.

The End

Pian and Kei !!!

Posted by Unknown at 18:49 0 comments

I have two lovely cats called Kei and Pian. They are very cute and funny !!! Kei and Pian are small and full colours. Kei hair has two colours; black and white. The black fur is on his body ad around his nose, and white is on his tail and legs. Pian hair has blanck and white colours also.
Every day I give them some food and drink. They like rice and fish. I also give them some milk. It makes them stay healthy. They have good behavior. They never steal food. My family and I love them very much!!!

Pian and Kei :)








unek unek

Posted by Unknown at 09:11 0 comments
aku sangat menghargai pertemanan, apalagi persahabatan. Bagi aku, menghargai perasaan teman itu sangat penting. Sebisa mungkin kata kata yang mau diucapin itu di pikirin dulu biar nggak ada yang tersinggung. Kadang, lelucoan yg dibuat memang bisa menyinggung perasaan teman. 

Mungkin kebanyakan remaja saat ini banyak merasakan yg namanya "Galau" hanya karena masalah mereka dengan pasanganya, tapi bagi aku nggak. Aku merasakan "Galau" karena masalah pertemanan. Aku takut jika aku ada salah kata dengan teman dan sahabat ku. Aku takut mengecewakan mereka. Aku takut aku nggak bisa jadi teman dan sahabat yg baik bagi mereka, dan aku takut jika aku malah malu maluin mereka. Dulu aku pernah kehilangan seorang sahabat, dan sekarang aku nggak mau kehilangan teman dan sahabatku untuk yg ke 2 kalinya.

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